Strong India to counterbalance China's aggression
New Delhi: Days ahead of the inauguration of Joe Biden as the US President, the Donald Trump administration declassified a sensitive document on the US strategic framework for the Indo-Pacific which asserted that a strong India would act as a “counterbalance” to China and signalled that the US would bolster India against China’s aggression along LAC.
The US strategy for...
2021 Jan 13
Six in 10 women possess high creative thinking in beginning of career:...
India : Only three out 10 women excel in decision making and creative thinking as compared to seven out of 10 men, and this is not the same in the initial years, finds a survey by SCIKEY, a marketplace network for talent and technology solutions.
The ‘Women in the IT sector in India’ survey, which has responses from 5,388 IT professionals across India from 22 to 47 ye...
2020 Sep 30

COVID-19: Switching careers a challenge for some job seekers despite o...
SINGAPORE: Since getting laid off from her job as a business development director at a travel technology firm eight months ago, Syazanah Haniff has applied for more than 120 positions, including roles outside her previous industry and occupation. Right now, she is trying to get by on a temporary gig as a temperature screener at the airport. It pays 30 per cent of what she used to get. ...
2020 Sep 30

Clear messages sent by voters in GE2020, 'soul searching and reflectio...
SINGAPORE: There are “clearly messages” in the vote swing towards the opposition in this year’s General Election that the People’s Action Party (PAP) must seek to understand, said Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam on Saturday (Jul 11).
Mr Shanmugam - who led a five-member People’s Action Party (PAP) team to victory in Nee Soon GRC - said the part...
2020 Jul 11

Reliance launches unlimited free conferencing app JioMeet as competiti...
NEW DELHI: After raising billions of dollars from the likes of Facebook and Intel for its digital business, billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries has launched JioMeet video conferencing app with unlimited free calling that is being seen as rate war on rival Zoom.
2020 Jul 04

COVID-19: Singapore to spend S$3.5 billion on information and communic...
SINGAPORE: Singapore will spend an estimated S$3.5 billion on the procurement of information and communications technology (ICT) this financial year to boost the economy and support businesses recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak.
This estimated expenditure is 30 per cent more compared to the last financial year’s projected spend of S$2.7 billion, the Government Technology Agency (...
2020 Jun 13

Iswaran, Chan Chun Sing to chair new ministerial committee on digital ...
A ministerial committee will be formed to oversee and coordinate Singapore’s digitalisation push which has been ramped up in light of challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic,
SINGAPORE: A ministerial committee will be formed to oversee and coordinate Singapore’s digitalisation push which has been ramped up in light of challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, said Minister for C...
2020 Jun 13

'You will prevail'. Read Google CEO Sundar Pichai's inspiring speech f...
Be open, be impatient, be hopeful. If you can do that, history will remember the Class of 2020 not for what you lost, but for what you changed.
2020 Jun 08

Covid impact: Jobless rate to hit 8.5% if stimulus not widened, says P...
2020 Jun 05

Singapore Jobs, impact on reserves discussed on second day of Fortitud...
SINGAPORE: On the second day of debate on the Fortitude Budget on Friday (Jun 5), several Members of Parliament raised the issue of how jobs would be protected from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Addressing the concerns faced by mid-career jobseekers, Nominated MP Lim Sun Sun said these mature workers were anxious about the “drastic conflu...
2020 Jun 05

About 3,800 companies closed down in April; expect uptick in coming mo...
SINGAPORE: About 3,800 companies closed down in April, comparable to the average of 3,700 recorded in the same month over the past five years, said Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry Chee Hong Tat on Friday (Jun 5).
However, business cessation could see an “uptick” in the coming months as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to put a severe strain on the Singapore economy...
2020 Jun 05

Lockdown led to 30% surge in resumes from job seekers firms
2020 Jun 02

Hyflux and directors under criminal investigation for suspected false ...
SINGAPORE: Authorities have launched a joint investigation into Hyflux and its current and former directors for suspected false statements and disclosure requirement breaches.
In a joint statement on on Tuesday (Jun 2), the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force (SPF), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Aut...
2020 Jun 01
Why India needs to put cash in the hands of the poor
In his 1776 magnum opus, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations — more commonly known as The Wealth of Nations — years ago, the father of modern political economics Adam Smith wrote that wages increased with the rate of increase of national wealth. It was not the absolute size, but the speed of GDP growth that mattered.
And growth would ensure a...
2020 May 29

No workplace gatherings, socialising among employees when office opera...
SINGAPORE: Employees should not socialise during or outside working hours, even when office operations resume during Phase 1 of Singapore’s reopening following the end of the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" period.Workers should also have thei...
2020 May 29

Singapore secured about S$13 billion in investment commitments in firs...
SINGAPORE: Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, the Economic Development Board (EDB) has in the first four months of this year secured about S$13 billion in investment commitments for the “next few years”, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said.
This “very good performance” means Singapore has exceeded the S$8 billion to S$10 billion which had been projected...
2020 May 29

Google to log into job search market in India with Kormo
Bengaluru: Google will venture into India’s entry level job search market with Kormo. It has been undertaking pilots in India since early this year through its next billion users (NBU) unit, said people familiar with the matter. These involved ground research on how entry level hirings were made in various sectors. The app will be launched on Friday at the annual Go...
2020 May 26
20 million back in the job in May as lockdown eases
NEW DELHI: About 20 million workers came back into employment in May as the government eased the nationwide lockdown to counter Covid-19 outbreak, according to an update by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy or CMIE. CMIE report said India's employment rate was up 2% in May to 29% from 27% in April. CMIE had estimated 122 million people had lost their jobs due to nationwide lockdown si...
2020 May 26

Fortitude Budget: More than 40,000 jobs to be created as part of S$2b ...
On Tuesday (May 26), Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced in Parliament an SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package that will create close to 100,000 opportunities, including more than 40,000 jobs, 25,000 traineeships and 30,000 skills training placements as part of a S$2 billion package to improve the employment situation amid the COVID-19-induced economic downtur...
2020 May 26

Commentary: New Singapore Government measures must be more targeted th...
While new fiscal stimulus is needed to save jobs and businesses in Singapore, focus must also be on building longer-term resilience, says OCBC economist Selena Ling.
SINGAPORE: With the end of the "circuit breaker" coming up in less than two weeks, it is timely that Singapore policymakers are adopting a phased approach to re-opening the Singapore economy. Under Phase ...
2020 May 21